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Cosmic Consciousness


Cosmic Consciousness: 

(The Rainbow Body Awakens to the Field of The Rainbow Body,  Thus Awakening to itself) 

       One of the foundational inspirations that created Open Secret is a book written by Maurice Buche in 1901 that is  still in print. Dr Buche was a Canadian Psychologist who was the head of a mental institution. He treated the mentally ill in his care, with compassionate respect and patient understanding. This was quite advanced for his times. He met the American poet Walt Whitman at a medical seminar in the states and, author of Leaves of Grass, a volume of poems that Walt continued to polish with additions, and revisions until he died 1891.

       This meeting changed the Dr Buche’s  world. Over time as he became close friends with Walt while reading his “Leaves” he  felt that the good grey poet was cosmically aware or by the eastern spirituality commonly referred to as enlightenment or illumination. With this understanding uman suffering comes to an end and the awakening of the soul of humanity emerges as a servant of love, beauty and creativity.

        Dr Bucke, wrote an authorized biography  of Walt Whitman and included in his book Cosmic Consciousness. It occurred to Dr Bucke that through out human history, there have been those with the Cosmic Sense that have had a profound effect upon the world. He researched and wrote a biography for those he felt exampled this realization. 

       He presents a model of the evolution of conscious life on Earth. The simple awareness of the animal kingdom, the self awareness of the ego, or early stage of human development, all leading to cosmic awareness the birthright of every human being. 

We have observed that the awakening of humanity becomes more and more available to everyone the more we understand the vast mystery of 2 trillion Galaxies, trillions and trillions of stars and planet and the trillion of neuron connections of the human brain. We are in an age where it will soon be impossible to think small as we emerge as our body of conscious light at one with the Presence of the Loving Universe. 

“ Swiftly arose and spread around me the peace and knowledge that pass all argument of the  Earth. And I know the hand of God is the promise of my own. And the spirit of God is the Brother of my own, and all the men ever born are also my brother of my own, and the women my sisters and lovers, and that a kelson of the creation is love”. Walt Whitman



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